Uncategorized · week 12

Week twelve – Review my blog

1. Inquiry: This is your final week. On your blog, reflect on your learning journey and respond to the following questions:

What have you learned this term?

During this term, I learned how to write, structure, review and edit an article from a point of view of a Journalist. I also learned many social media platforms that I did not know before. Moreover, I gain experience of how to write an interview, a broadcast script, newsletter, media release and captions. All of the above valuable knowledge can make a considerable contributing to my life.

What did you find most beneficial about the course?

As a digital media student, I found the most beneficial aspect of the course is that I learned how to function of technology in some social media platforms, such as WordPress, Twitter and Storify which are entirely new areas of knowledge to me.

What was most challenging?

Reading and writing English is a big challenge to me due to my Asian background, and I have been living in Australia for only a few years. I usually needed to spend at least one day to read the supporting documents and another day to finish a work; however, my completed assignments occasionally still had some grammatical mistakes.

Has the course changed the way you practice or think about media writing? How/why not?

I feel great after accomplishing this course. In the beginning, I thought I must do many essays or reports in this course. After attending this course, I have changed my notion of media writing. There is no doubt that I now have a significant progress in writing skills in contrast with week one. I changed the way of practising and thinking by doing different blog activities every week.

2. Practical: Review your blog. To do this you should:


I benefit from peer feedbacks as they have pointed out that correct spelling and details of incidents are sometimes missing from my assignments. I have paid more attention to spelling and the provision of more details narratives in my future works.

3. Technical:

In fact, reading a textbook is a tough job for me, which was truly outside my comfort zone; however, I had done my best effort to read through all chapters and completed the quizzes. Not just because I want to complete the assignment, but I am willing to learn.

I found the most challenging part is in terms of ‘words’ and ‘styles’. In my situation, maybe I need to absorb more vocabulary and writing styles from other blogs.

When the course commenced twelve weeks ago, I always stared at the screen for a long time. However, I have now made a significant compared with my first week of attending the course. I have more confidence in writing, and I really appreciated my peers’ reviews and suggestions.

Thank you!


4 thoughts on “Week twelve – Review my blog

  1. As your classmate I can actually see a bit of improvement with your english in terms of grammar and spelling. Keep it up Angie!


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